Calming spaces - Quaker meeting rooms

Did you know there are historic houses through-out the Yorkshire Dales you can freely wander into, sit down and just enjoy the peace and tranquil feeling? Where you are welcome to just retreat from the world for a little while? You'll find them in Airton near Malham, Settle, Sedbergh, Countersett and Bainbridge. They are Friends Meeting Houses, part of the Quaker movement, open and welcome to all.

You don't need to be a Quaker to enter and enjoy these beautiful serene buildings. Their simplicity is part of the appeal: you get a real sense of history inside them, with walls that definitely hold many decades of special stories.

This one is Briggflatts by Sedbergh. It was built in 1675 not long after George Fox began the movement nearby in 1652.
Heather and the beauty of the hills


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